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Mon to Fri: 10:00AM - 7:30PM | Sat: 10:00AM - 7:00PM.
Sunday closed


R-POWER - Solar on Every Rooftop

R-Power acknowledges the significant importance of solar energy, which extends its benefits to homeowners, businesses, and society as a whole. Their mission is to ensure that solar energy becomes accessible to everyone through efficient and budget-friendly solutions. With a team deeply committed to maintaining high standards in installation services, R-Power places a strong emphasis on delivering an exceptional customer experience. They proactively seek to understand their clients’ needs and aspire to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future for generations to come.

R-Power envisions an equitable energy system that prioritizes local communities, giving them control and reaping the benefits of solar energy. Their ultimate goal is to see solar panels on every roof, creating a greener and more sustainable future.